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Oh hi!

Oh hi! My name is Balaur and I'm a dinosaur! Today I'm going to tell you guys some facts about me. Overall we'll be discussing what I eat, what I look like, what time period I'm in, where I live, and what my fossils look like! First off, I am a carnivore. Therefore I only eat meat in order to survive. I don't eat that much food at a time anyway, so I don't exhaust the supply of food I have. So for my looks, I have brown colored skin, a long and skinny tail, sharp claws, spikes on my head, and a feather looking part on the end of my tail. I also walk on all fours, but sometimes i can stand up. Next up is what time period I'm in. The time period I was in was Early Maastrichtian of the Cretaceous. Sounds complicated right? Anyways, my most known location is in Romania. Specifically in the Sebes Formation. Now for the most important part, I'll talk about my fossils! To start that off I'll start by saying my classification is Chordata, Reptilia, Dinosauria, etc. Theres almost too many to name! My species is B bondoc, therefore my fossils are partial post cranial remains. Well that's it for today guys, thanks for reading!!!

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