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Hello! My name is Tiny.

Hello! My name is Tiny. I am about 40 feet from head to tail and seven to nine tons. Most people think I'm the biggest carnivore dinosaur that ever lived, but I'm not. I'm actually the third biggest carnivore dinosaur that ever lived. My days consist of waking up, having breakfast (I prefer triceratops), hunting and scavengering, and also playing with other dinosaurs. Most of them get eaten, but it's always fun. My bite is very strong so if i would bite my prey it would hurt very bad. Like when i play tag with them or hide and see, they don't make it very far because I'm very fast. I catch them and then i rip their head off. This is only one of the many games i play with my other fellow dino buddy's, but there all very fun. I've been told my breath smells but that's okay. Sometimes i even take walks or run by a lake or river with my friends to get water.

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