Hello, my name is Caleigh.
Hello, my name is Caleigh. I am a Camarasaurus. I'm described as a genus of quadrupedal. I eat plants so, I am a herbivor. My friends that are also Camarasaurus's live here with me in North America. We all weigh about the same amount which is, 62,000 pounds. I'm inbetween 25 and 66 feet. Sometimes I am also called a Camarasauridae. That's the higher classification of my type. I usually travel in herds. When I'm not in a herd I travel with my family, a small herd. It's pretty easy being me. I have spoon shaped teeth which is why I only eat plants. I have four thick legs, they don't really effect much though. My long tail and neck help me. My long neck lets me get plants that are higher up than others. My long tail helps me with other types of things. There are different species of me. Although, we are pretty much all around the same size, very big. I have a small head but, a very blunt snout. I do a lot of eating throughout my day. I can swallow leaves whole, sometimes I may have to swallow some gizzard stones to help me digest tougher plants. My day doesn't consist of doing a lot. I mainly just eat and walk around with a group of my friends or family.